BFF Trump is a Facebook Messenger bot that enables people to have a 1-on-1 conversation with Trump to experience first hand his wealth of offensive and inflammatory comments. The bot was built in partnership with Dexter and Betaworks.
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“When faced with an election that could make Donald Trump the President of the United States, SS+K (who were the youth agency for Obama 2008 and 2012) put some creative capital into reminding people exactly who Trump is”
Fast Company
“BFF Trump does that one thing I hoped to get from FutureStates. Click “Really??!” when chatting with BFF Trump and you’re taken to the source material of the statement, be it a tweet, video, or news article. Especially helpful: Videos cited bring you right to the moment of the quoted statement.”
“With BFF Trump, we explored how to use an emerging technology to connect with the younger voters, to point a strong light on the hateful rhetoric that Trump spews and to motivate people to get out and take action this Fall.”
“Apparently, his words haven’t had an effect the young individuals who could have significant impact on this year’s election. So agency SS+K, along with messaging bot platform Dexter, decided to bring Millennial voters one-on-one with Trump through the power of Facebook Messenger.”
“BFF Trump has personality to spare – a narcissistic personality with no impulse control and horrifying attitudes. The BFF Trump project is a chance for young voters to listen to and reject Trump’s messages – before a real President Trump makes those messages unavoidable”
The Drum
“When it comes to political and cause-driven initiatives, SS+K creates killer products that live at the intersection of creative and technology. It was no surprise to us that they created a totally different kind of experience with a treasure trove of quotes from a certain presidential candidate — a chatbot that’s a far cry from the friendly assistants we’ve become used to interacting with, all in service of motivating action this election.”
“Agency SS+K and messaging bot platform Dexter have teamed up to bring you BFF Trump Bot, the only Facebook Messenger bot that gives you a one-on-one conversation with the biggest mouth in the election year.”
Betaworks Newsletter
“There are tools of this kind to help voters understand how their personal beliefs align with a political candidate’s agendas, but none are quite as intuitive as this chat-based format.”
“#BFFTrump chatbot is amazing or disturbing. Depends how you look at it.”
We Are Social Media
“The motto of US creative agency, SS+K, is SS+K was born to lead brands through moments of change. Now is a moment of change in US politics. It is about to have either its first woman president or…well, Donald Trump.”
The Stable
“BFF Trump — A bot that lets you chat with Donny to find how much of an asshole he is”
“This is brilliant! It provides a quote, an option to either see more quotes on the same topic or get a new one, and actual sources for each wacky thing he’s said.”
Business Insider
“Creativity Pick: “Speak” to @realDonaldTrump via @Facebook messenger via @SSandK”
“Since I’m big on bots, you can guess how I feel about the BFF Trump bot. Hilarious”
“A company with a conscience. How about that?”
And more:
- NowThis News
- Betaworks Medium
- TechCrunch
- Reuters
- MediaPost
- Out To Launch
- Engadget
- Little Black Book
- Creativepool
- Adforum
- Everything About Design
- Lovely
- Business Punk
- B & T
- MediaCat
- Merca20